Do you know what Aggressive Rollerblading is ?
Have you ever heard of Julien Cudot ?
Lets discover the incredible story of one of the best street rollerblaler of his time. Julien has won almost everything, he was already beating the bests when he was just 15 and until this day, at the age of 30, he is still pushing the limites far from what has ever been done.
Are you ready to fellow him to the moon and beyound ?
A film produced & directed by Backa Flipa Production with the appearance of Brian Aragon, Frai Gomez, Hadrien Bastouil, Stéphane Alfano, Florian Petitcollin, Sofia Bogdanova, Daniel Mihalcea, Viktor Thorup, Alejandro Gonzalez, Angel Valdez, Vincent Romain, Alejandra Jimenez, Katherine Gomez, Michel Guevara, Jeremi Rodriguez, Thomas Camus, with the participation of Guillaume Chaboux, Ricky Brown, Mariana Eites. Additional camera : Walter Sanchez, Clement Millot, Hadiren Bastouil, Stéphane Alfano, Guillaume Chaboux, Alejandra Jimenez, Maciej Tomkow
Up Next in Foot Moon - The Movie
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